Sunday, 24 February 2013

A little ramble..

Basically in life, whenever I'm feeling down or just in general, I remind myself there's other people in this world that have it a LOT worse than me and that the silly things I worry about are nothing in comparison.
Considering this, I'm very thankful to be alive and well and to embrace the fact I'm here on this earth, I never take the things I have for granted at all and just try not to let the little things get to me, because other people have much bigger worries.
I have a lot of things in life to be happy about and I try to enjoy it. It bugs me that it still doesn't stop me being a bit miserable, as much as I like to say I'm loving life, I'm not at my happiest, which sucks.
It's like a puzzle and there's just that one little piece missing, I don't know what it is or when it's going to come along and make it complete, but I sure hope I find it soon.